Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Adventures of a Bookstore Barista, or, Oh Crap, It's Tuesday!

So sorry for the long hiatus, but I've spent the majority of the last few weeks dancing and trying on costumes and getting ready for a showcase I'm going to be in come June. I'll try to update as much as I possibly can, but until the showcase is over, I won't have much time.
A few weeks ago, my boss went out of town with her family, leaving myself and a few of my fellow employees to tend to the bookstore. Now normally, this wouldn't be a problem. I get there about 9:30 a.m. and turn on the lights; I start the coffee, I sign in, and open the blinds. Once the coffee finishes, I fix my usual cup and head back to the front counter to start the rest of my day. As soon as I sit down, I hear one of my coworkers say,

"There are the ladies."


It's Tuesday.

And suddenly it hits me.

The ladies from the knitting group that meet on Tuesdays at the bookstore. And as they enter the store, I think,

I made a pot of coffee, so there's not need to....

Followed quickly by,

"Oh Crap! It's Tuesday!"

I think one of my coworkers described said it was like someone had lit a fire under my ass; I was up and rushing back towards the coffee bar before the first lady made it back to the tables. Of course, they all heard me, and talked animatedly about my forgetfullness as other of their members slowly trickled into the store.

They went through the first pot of coffee like a landslide going through a valley. I sold at least twelve cups of coffee, and made $5.00 in tips that morning. Not to mention being the topic of lively conversation between the ladies for the next two hours.

I'm still the topic of conversation, even weeks after.

~ Bridget Aine