Behind the Scenes

Civil War Novel

History has always been one of my favorite subjects, and so I chose the muggy streets of 21st century New Orleans, and the elegant plantations of mid-Civil War Louisiana for my first novel. Voodoo, a family heirloom, and the twisted sibling rivalry between the main character's mother and aunt make up the chunk of my novel- one still untitled as of yet.
Oak Alley Plantation, the first inspiration for Amberwood

 The South has always been one of my favorite subjects to study, and so I drew extensively on the magic and mystery that the South depicts. The beauty of old Southern plantations gave me my setting- with their wrapping verandas, sprawling acres and distinct characteristics, a cotton or sugar plantation became the perfect address. I tried to stick to the traditional plantations, while still giving Amberwood its own uniquely distinct personality.
Myrtles Plantation, the second inspiration
I also drew on the beliefs and mysticism of Voodoo. The most well-known Voodoo queen herself, Marie Leavue plays a central part in both the past and present of my novel, as the main character finds herself inexplicably linked to the witchcraft that ensnares all of New Orleans. Another aspect of New Orleans that I decided to incorporate into my novel are its endless cemeteries, such as Lafayette Cemetery No. 2.
Voodoo Queen Marie Leavue

Lafayette Cemetery No.2
The cemeteries play a major part in this novel, particularly the Lafayette Cemetery No. 2. With this family's history and the secrets it holds, Lafayette No. 2 only adds atmosphere the main character is thrust into. Hopefully, I'm able to bring the atmosphere of the old South to my readers with this novel. With mystery, mysticism and old family secrets, the spirits of the Old South come out loud and clear, from Civil War Generals to Voodoo priestesses, and even the deceased familty historian adds to the labyrinth of spirits and secrets this family carries.
After all, restless spirits walk the streets of New Orleans. Family included.