Sunday, April 1, 2012

Carpal Tunnel? Not Yet.

I spend my nights working on my novels, listening to music as I write. I get my best ideas with music blasting in my ears, and I spend the two to three hours every night typing up ideas and summaries for my books.

I work until my fingers cramp and my wrists scream for a rest. Usually, by the time I finish a chapter, my fingers are cramped and stiff, and my wrists are swollen from being held in one position for so long. I spend so much time writing, that I don't notice the pain in my wrists until the next morning. My mind is constantly moving, and my fingers race to keep up.

Never have I had to work on a story without at least one portion of it already written in my mind. It just takes a while for me to get the entire story down, screaming wrists and all. My friends joke that carpal tunnel is going to set in soon if I don't stop, but it doesn't bother me. If I can't write, then I'll dictate.

Carpal tunnel?

Not yet.

~ Bridget Aine

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