Saturday, April 7, 2012


Sorry for the short post, but it's two in the morning, and unfortunately I need to go to bed. :( Anyway, that's besides the point of the post.

Someone asked me once how I'm able to start and finish a story or a novel.  I told them it was simple.

I focus.

A lot easier said than done.

But the fact that I've been writing since I was old enough to  pick up a pencil and understand what the word 'story' meant helps. Although my Civil War novel took a lot longer and was a lot harder to write thanks to the four months of writer's block I suffered. I lived on coffee and chocolate, trying to write something that even sounded remotely.... good.

No such luck.

And then I took in a little snippet of something I'd written in the middle of the night to my writer's group, and it turned out that, hey, they liked it. I wasn't so certain so I went back and reworked the snippet into a chapter, and brought it back the next week. With the exception of one member- who shall remain nameless, because I'll get teasing for the rest of our meetings if he ever finds out- I got mostly positive feedback.

I figured that maybe, just maybe, I could turn this into a novel. Now if I could just focus on my other novels.....
~ Bridget Aine

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